What is ReactJS?

2 min readNov 18, 2023


  • React is a JavaScript library for User Interface(UI)
  • React is
    - Component based
    - Declarative
    - State driven


  • Components are one of the core concepts of React
  • Components are the building blocks for React
  • Component is a normal JavaScript function which returns markup(HTML code)
  • Component name normally starts with uppercase letter
  • A component is a piece of UI that has its own data, logic and appearance
  • React will take Component and draw on webpage
  • A component can be as small as button or as big as complete page
  • Building complex UI by building and combining multiple components
  • Below is very simple react component for displaying text
//Simple react component
function SampleComponent(){
return <h1>This is simple react component!!</h1>


  • Declarative is simply telling react what a component should look like based on current data/state
    - Declarative syntax is used to create Components
    - This describes how component lokk like and how they work
    - Declarative syntax called JSX
    - JSX combines HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other custom components
    - Below is sample JSX component with JS and HTML code
// Sample JSX 
function Login() {
// JS code
if (isLogin()) {
} else {
// React component
<LoginForm />;


  • Main goal of React is always make UI in sync with data
  • State variables are declared by calling the useState Hook.
  • Data and State will be used interchangeably
  • State is local to a component instance on the screen.
  • if you render the same component twice, each copy will have completely isolated state! Changing one of them will not affect the other.
  • Separate state for each component instance makes state different from regular variables that you might declare at the top of your module.
  • State is not tied to a particular function call or a place in the code, but it’s “local” to the specific place on the screen.
  • State is fully private to the component declaring it.
  • Whenever data is changed/updated, react will re-render the components in the UI
  • React only re-render when change the state, so its always update the state than directly updating the data.
  • React Reacts to state changes by re-rendering the UI
  • From the below pics, react renders basing on initial state in when page loads in step1 and steps 2 to 4 repeat when any state/data change
React component rendering when state updated/modified flow
React component rendering when state updated/modified flow

Thanks to @jonasschmedtman for his clear and easy explanation on ReactJS course in Udemy course.



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