What is Destructuring, Rest and Spread operator in JavaScript?
Destructuring assignment:
2 min readNov 25, 2023
- Destructuring is a functional programming concept
- It will unpack values from array or properties from object to individual variables
- Array De-structuring:
// Array destructuring
const [firstElement, secondElement] = [20, 27]
console.log(firstElement)//prints 20
console.log(secondElement)//prints 27
// Taking only first element from array
const [firstElement] = [20, 27, 35, 43]
console.log(firstElement)//prints 20
- Rest Property:
- Rest property will create a new object or array with the remaining elements when de-structuring
- Rest property is represented as any variable name pre-fixing with three dots(…)
- This will be used when de-structuring arrays
- Rest property should be last the last item in the de-structuring
// Destructuring array using rest property
const numbers = [20,30,40,50,60,70]
const [fNum, lNum, ...remainingNums] = numbers
console.log(fNum, lNum) //Prints 20 30
console.log(remainingNums) //Prints [40, 50, 60, 70]
//This will give syntax error, rest property should be last item in the pattern
const [fNum, ...middleNums, lNum] = numbers
- Object De-structuring:
- This is similar to array de-structuring, but below are differences
# Need to use curly braces ({}) instead of square brackets([])
# New variable name should match with the key in the object
- If key is not matched with variable name, undefined will be assigned
- Its perfectly valid to retrieve one or more items from the object
- Order of variable name is not important - Simple object de-structuring
const person = {"fName":"Chandu", "lName":"Pasumarthi"}
const {fName, lName} = person // variable name is matching with keys in the person object
console.log(fName) //prints Chandu
console.log(lName) //prints Pasumarthi
- Object de-structuring with different order
const person = {"fName":"Chandu", "lName":"Pasumarthi"}
const {lName, fName} = person //Order of the keys are different
console.log(fName) //prints Chandu
console.log(lName) //prints Pasumarthi
- De-structuring only one item from the object
const person = {"fName":"Chandu", "lName":"Pasumarthi"}
const {fName} = person //taking only item from object
console.log(fName) //prints Chandu
- De-structuring element which is not available in the object
//firstName key is not available in the person object, undefined will be assinged
const {firstName} = person
console.log(firstName) //prints undefined
Spread operator:
- Spread operator syntax is similar to Rest property in array de-structuring, But Spread will split into individual elements whereas rest collects into an array
- Spread operator also uses three dots(…)
- Spread operator can be used in below scenarios
- Function Parameters
- Array literals
- Object literals
Function Parameters with spread operator example:
function spreadExample(num1, num2){
console.log(num1, num2)
const numbers = [2,3]
// passing list of elements using spread operator
spreadExample(...numbers) // prints 2 3
const numberLetters = ["one","two"]
spreadExample(...numberLetters) // prints one two
Array literals with spread operator example:
const numbers = [2,3]
//Spreading numbers array in a new array
let numSeq = [1, ...numbers, 4]
console.log(numSeq) //prints [1, 2, 3, 4]
Object literals with spread operator example:
let numbers = {"1":"One", "2":"Two"}
//Spreading numbers object in a new object
let moreNums = {...numbers, "3":"three"}