module.exports vs require vs import vs export in JavaScript

3 min readNov 26, 2023


In JavaScript, if we want to access functions from another file we have to use module.exports and require. This involves two steps.

  • Step 1: Expose list of functions which needs to be used outside of the file using module.exports
// wish.js file
var hi = function () {
console.log("Hi there!!");

function hello() {
console.log("Hello there!!!");

function welcome() {
// exposing hi and hello functions to outisde world and not welcome function
module.exports = { hi, hello };
  • Step 2: Use require keyword to include module/file from which you want to access functions
// app.js file 

// this will give permission in this file to use
// exposed functions in greet.js file/module
var wish = require("./greet.js");


Lets discuss about module.exports and require in detail how they works.


  • module.exports is a special variable or object
  • Only functions attached to this object will be accessed outside this file
  • exports also can be used to expose functions from the file
  • exports and module.exports both are pointing to the same location initially
  • You cant directly assign function to exports as that will break the link between exports and module.exports.
  • But you can attach a function to exports which will not break the link with module.exports and works as per expectations
// this will break the reference link to module.export and require function
// will return empty object as module.exports is still empty
exports = function(){

// This is the propery way of exporting using exports keyword,
// This way we are modifying/mutating object and not breaking the reference link
exports.Hello = function(){

// This is better and simple way
var sayHello = function(){

module.exports = {sayHello};


  • require is a function
  • require takes all the js module/file content and wraps into another function(IIFE) and limits scope to within this scope
  • require returns module.exports
  • require will load node module or native module or files
    - A node module is an external package(s)
    - A Native module is inbuilt JS module
    - A file is a custom file created in the project
  • require needs a string parameter
  • String parameter is location of the module/file name
    - for node modules, just module name works
    - for file names, need to specify the path of the file
  • By default require checks for specified string js file
  • If file extension is not specified, require will append .js internally and checks for the file
  • For non .js extension files, need to specify file extension(like .json)
  • If file name and node module names are same, require will differentiate using the path.
    - For file, need to specify path like require(“./utils”)
    - For node module, need to specify just module name require(“utils”)
  • if path not specified, require treat it a native module

export and import

  • export and import are ES6 version of module.exports and require
  • export support only one default function
  • the export default keywords specify the main component in the file

Sample code snippet for export and import:

// wish.js file
// Exporting a named function
export function sayHello() {

export function sayHi() {

// Importing one function
import { sayHello } from "./wish";

// Importing multiple function
import { sayHello, sayHi } from "./wish";

// importing all functions from a file
import * as wishes from "./wish";

Default export function example:

// wish.js file

// Exporting default function
export default function sayWelcome() {

// importing default function
import sayWelcome from "./wish";



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